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Art Neutron Instructor

Iris Tang
鄧曉霖 Iris Tang

Iris is a professional choreologist and ballet teacher working with a wide variety of areas. Since 2017, Iris has been teaching distance learning Benesh Movement Notation courses for Benesh International, and has also participated in a number of performance productions as a Benesh Choreologist and Rehearsal Mistress, recording and guiding rehearsals with dance notation; as well as engaging in Ballet education. Iris has also participated in multiple performing arts productions including Hong Kong Sinfonietta's A Soldier's Story 5.0 – The Devil Returns (this dance music production has toured in the Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall, Taipei National Concert Hall and Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall), City Contemporary Dance Company and Yatpo Singers' Requiem (a cappella theater and modern dance performance), etc., thus established exchanges and connection with many international artists.

Dever Chan
陳慶翀 Dever Chan

Dever graduated from the School of Dance in the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2009, majoring in Contemporary Dance. During school, he was awarded the Modern Dance Lecturer Scholarship (2006), the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry Scholarship (2007), and the Jackie Chan Charity Scholarship (2008). In 2007, he not only was awarded the Young Artists Scholarship and went to the United States to participate in the American Dance Festival, in the following year, he also represented the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in New Zealand for exchanges and performances. He also has vast performance experience such as with Hong Kong Dance Company 《清明上河圖》, Taiwan choreographer Zhang Xiaoxiong《支離破碎 紀實與虛構》, New Zealand choreographer Raewyn Hill "Be Still, My Soul", etc. After graduating, Dever worked as a full-time dancer in "Cloud Gate 2" for 8 years and performed in major works with the company as follows,《斷章》《十三聲》《暫時而已》《亮》《衝撞天堂》《來》《杜連魁》《搞不定》《牆》《流魚》《出遊》《Tantalus》《機械提琴》, etc. After leaving the Cloud Gare 2, he choreographed multiple dance works in Hong Kong: Hong Kong Arts Festival 《得體》《呼吸慾望》and East Side Dance Company 《依次呼吸的記憶》, etc.

Philippe Meissner
Philippe Meissner

Phil found yoga in 2004 while working on my Architecture thesis. Started practicing meditation but soon after felt the need for a more physical practice. This led him to ATMA, a school of Integral Yoga (Sri Aurobindo) where he practiced different types of hatha yoga; Vinyasa, Dharma Mittra, Ashtanga, Prana flow.

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朱怡綾 Penny

After giving birth to two children in 2017, I wanted to find an exercise that would help me get in better shape and be healthier. Fortunately, I accidentally embarked on the path of yoga. Since then, I never stopped practicing...

Persisting in yoga practice, my body shape gradually changed a lot; and the improvement of physical health is just priceless. In addition, the practice of yoga seeks inner stability and the peace and joy that arises in my mind during my practice are indescribable. Hence I decided to participate in yoga teacher training in 2021 and embark on the journey of yoga teaching.

For more than two years, I am grateful to every teacher and student on my yoga journey. In an environment where teaching and learning are mutually supportive, the positive energy my students have given me is my motivation to continue teaching. After class, I really enjoy seeing students’ bright eyes and smily faces because of a fulfilling practice. I am also very grateful that the practice of yoga has given me the power to share the joy with you. I hope that through the company in the class, I can bring a ray of sunshine to everyone's life.

龐智筠 Noel Pong

Dance Artist of City Contemporary Dance Company in Hong Kong for 26 years. From dancer to choreographer, because of her love for dance, Noel has never quit the profession. As she gains vast experience in various fields, Noel is passionate about sharing her insight and learning experience in dance choreography. She was promoted to Artist in Residence in 2019 and was commissioned to engage in cultural exchange, choreographing abroad in Italy and Germany. She has also served as a training instructor and choreographer for the WuDaoQingNian (literally Dancing Youth), a dance training program for youngsters for multiple times, dedicated to cultivating young dancers in Hong Kong.

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周綺薇 Natalie Chow

Introductory Tai Chi class is a step-by-step foundation course suitable for beginners. Tai Chi’s movement is gentle, relaxing and elegant. Consistent practice helps build both physical and spiritual strength – not only shaping lean lines externally, but also cultivating a calm peace of mind; and is broadly recognized as a good exercise to relieve stress and improve health. 

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